Equipment and Adaptations

What does it do?

For those of us who have a disability, having the right equipment and home adaptations can be crucial to independent living. It can also make all the difference to those who care for people who have a disability.

We can often provide specialist equipment to help with those things that you’d otherwise have to get someone else to do or help you with.

Some equipment is only available following an assessment by an Occupational Therapist, an Assessment and Support Officer or a Rehabilitation Officer for visual impairment.

In an emergency, equipment can be provided by your GP or district nurse. In that situation the Community Equipment service will deliver it within 24 hours.
Many items of disability equipment are available free on long-term loan to people who are eligible and there is a wide variety of equipment available to help you to be independent.

Simple alterations or adaptations can also be arranged, such as fixing handrails. The type of equipment or adaptation provided will depend on your situation. People who own their homes, who need major adaptations, i.e. costing more than £1,200, will be referred to the Wirral Home Improvement Agency for a Disabled Facilities Grant. 

People who are tenants may be referred to Wirral Home Improvement Agency or their own Registered Social Landlord. The major adaptation cost limit may vary if you are a tenant with a Registered Social Landlord.

This will be done automatically by Occupational Therapy Services once the need for adaptations have been determined.

The Disabled Facilities Grant is limited to a maximum cost of £30,000, including some administrative costs.

The Wirral Home Improvement Agency will arrange for a financial assessment to determine how much the disabled person will have to contribute to the cost of the adaptations.

If you think you’d benefit from having some equipment or adaptations to help you to be more independent and want to know more, or if you want to apply for an assessment please contact the Central Advice and Duty Team below.