Safeguarding adults

What does it do?

Safeguarding adults means making sure that vulnerable adults are protected from abuse.

Protecting and safeguarding adults is everybody's business. If you, or another vulnerable adult you know is being harmed in any way by another person please do not ignore it.

Abuse is anything that harms another person physically or mentally. If you, or another vulnerable adult you know is being harmed in any way by another person, please do not ignore it. No abuse is acceptable.

Speak out against abuse
If you suspect abuse talk to someone in authority

If someone is injured

If you think a crime has taken place

Local police on 101

During office hours

Hampshire - 0845 603 5630
Southampton - 023 8083 4567
Portsmouth - 023 9268 0810           

Outside office hours

Hampshire - 0845 600 4555
Southampton - 023 8023 3344
Portsmouth - 023 9268 0810