Adult Social Care

What does it do?

People need care and support for many different reasons, including disability, age, health or perhaps a personal situation they find themselves in. Adult Social Care teams in Peterborough can help people over 18 years of age get the support they need. In Peterborough, the main priorities for Adult Social Care are -
  • To promote and support people to maintain their independence
  • To deliver a personalised approach to care
  • To empower people to engage with their communities and lead fulfilled lives.
  • To help people keep themselves safe

Who it is for?

Peterborogh City Council works in Parnership with NHS Peterborough to deliver services to people who need support

Where it is available?

Local service (Peterborough).

What it costs:

Please contact the organisation for more details.

How to access or apply for it:

Contact Adult Social Care by telephoning 01733 747474.


Info last updated:
