Sherborne Good Neighbours

What does it do?

Offers neighbourly help with transport for shopping and other essential journeys for Sherborne and the immediate surrounding area.

Who it is for?

Residents of Sherborne and adjacent villages who need help with transport.

Where it is available?

Local service (West Dorset).

What it costs:

Transport cost 40p per mile (Min £2)

How to access or apply for it:

There is no need to register for this service.

Please see for access information

What to expect then:

A co-ordinator will contact one of the volunteer drivers with your request and let you know whether they are able to help.

Additional information:

Good Neighbours is a very small group of volunteers. Help is available on weekdays and, in exceptional circumstances, evenings and weekends. Volunteers drive their own vehicles. Please give us as much notice as possible.


Info last updated:
