providing home visits to treat all nail problems,

Foot health in your own home, putting you and your feet first.

What does it do?

I am able to cut and reduce tough and thickened nails, remove corns and callus and give advice to maintain healthy feet and keep you mobile.

Who it is for?

For anybody unable to maintain their own nails or have foot problems including corns and callus.

Where it is available?

Local service (Waverley).

What it costs:

£30 per visit, usually an hour. Or £50 per couple.

How to access or apply for it:

Call me on 07468 840224 or email me on and leave a message.

What to expect then:

I will contact you within 24hrs to book an appointment.

Additional information:

With over 20yrs nursing experience and now a diploma in foot health, I am can treat your feet in the comfort of your own home at a time convent to you.

Info last updated:

Sumbu Upper Manor Road, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 2HZ