Home Improvement Agency Service

What does it do?

The Tower Hamlets Home Improvement Agency (THHIA) was established in 1990 by the Council to provide professional, technical and administrative services for priority  owners and occupiers in connection with the arranging or carrying out of works for the improvement or repair of their homes or the carrying out of adaptations to meet the needs of a disabled person. In 2008 the HIA took on responsibility for providing fuel poverty advice and residential energy efficiency measures in the borough on a tenure blind basis. 

The HIA can assist you from helping to fill out the grant application form to supervising the works and paying the contractor when the works are completed satisfactorily. Grants can be applied  for by members of the private sector and tenants who are either; over 60 years of age, disabled, on a low income or have other special circumstances .

For further information you can also go to the national body for home improvements agencies.

Related Services

  • Private sector housing grant
  • Disabled facilities grant
  • Improvements & repairs
  • Empty property grants
  • Energy efficiency advice