Adult Social Care and health

What does it do?

We help people to live in their own homes for as long as possible. When this is no longer possible we help people to choose a good quality care home.

We support unpaid carers in various ways, for example by providing training, links to support groups and by funding short breaks.

We provide support in these areas:
•    Assessment of needs and care planning, co-ordination and review
•    Advice about social care, health, housing and money 
•    Emotional and practical support
•    Protection of vulnerable adults
•    Residential and nursing care
•    Personal care at home
•    Community meals 
•    Day Services and opportunities
•    Equipment to support independence
•    Adaptations to the home environment 
•    Support for carers and providing breaks
•    Direct Payments
•    Financial assessments and benefits advice is available through the Financial Assessment and Benefit (FAB) Teams