Housing Options

Housing options service in North Yorkshire

What does it do?


Where we live can have a big impact on our quality of life.  So if you are considering a move, think first about how to get the most out of making a change.

You may want to stay in your own home, but need it adapted so that it is easier to get around.

Think about what you might need in the future, as well as what you want now. Finding out as much as possible about all your options gives you the best chance of making the right decision.


Who it is for?

Older people in North Yorkshire

Where it is available?

Local service (Hambleton).

How to access or apply for it:

If you would like any help and advice on local housing options - please contact Jane Wyrill

Age UK North Yorkshire
33 High Street

Tel: 01609 771624

Email: jane.wyrill@ageuknorthyorkshire.org.uk


Info last updated:

33 High Street, Northallerton, North Yorkshire, DL7 8EE