Disability adaptations in private homes

improvements and adaptations to help you live independently, grants

What does it do?

If you have a disability and need help managing daily activities at home, our team of Housing Occupational Therapists (OTs) and Occupational Therapy Assistants (OTAs) can recommend home adaptations to make your life easier and help you apply for a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) see https://www.gov.uk/disabled-facilities-grants

What happens after my Occupational Therapist has visited?

If we recommend a major adaptation, your home will be assessed by a Grant Officer to check the work is feasible.

If the work is feasible, your Grant Officer will help you get quotes for the work and complete the DFG application.

If it is not feasible, we may be able to explore alternatives. Occasionally, it isn’t possible to adapt a home and you may need to consider moving.

If you rent your home, your Grant Officer will need to ask permission from your landlord or housing association for any work to be completed.

If you are planning to move home in the next few years, you should discuss this with your Grant Officer. There may be a cost levied against the sale of the property to cover the cost of any adaptations completed.

How long will I have to wait for the feasibility check and for the work to begin?

Waiting times will depend on your assessed priority and can change due to demands on the service. Your Occupational Therapist can give you a current estimate on waiting times, but unfortunately not a definite timescale. If there is a significant change in your medical condition, please contact our team.

Who it is for?

for older and disabled people to help them live independently at home.

Where it is available?

Local service (Southampton).

What it costs:

Will I have to pay for my adaptation?

If you own your home or rent it from a housing association or private landlord, you can apply for a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG). Please complete and return the initial financial assessment form for a DFG as soon as possible. Your case will not be allocated to a Grant Officer before this is received. This is not the full assessment, but it will give an indication of whether you will qualify for a full grant, some grant funding, or no grant. If you are on a means-tested benefit you will definitely be eligible for a full grant. Even if you think you won’t qualify, you should still apply. Sometimes other funding may be available based on your assessed needs.

How to access or apply for it:

How can I request an assessment?

Please email Adult Social Care Connect on adultsocialcareconnect@southampton.gov.uk or call on 023 8083 3003 with brief details of your request, information about your disability, and your contact details. The team at Adult Social Care Connect will speak to you about your needs and make sure you are referred to the right service.

What to expect then:

Who is responsible for maintenance of my adaptation?

If a stair lift is installed, you can choose to waive your ownership of it, meaning it will be owned and maintained by Southampton City Council or your housing association. (Housing associations cover maintenance only after your five-year warranty, which is included in your grant, expires.) For all other adaptations, contractors usually provide a one-year warranty. After this, maintenance is your responsibility. Private landlords or housing associations may agree to take responsibility for the adaptation, but this is at their discretion.


Info last updated:

Southampton City Council, Civic Centre, Southampton, SO14 7LY