Wyvern Community Transport

What does it do?

Wyvern Community Transport operates in the Castle Point and Rochford  areas. This scheme offers a dial a ride service, open to residents with
accessibility issues. All enquiries welcome.

Wyvern Community Transport is a ‘not for profit’ organisation providing a door to door transport service to the residents of Rochford District and Castle Point Borough.

Our service enables people to take part in activities that they would otherwise struggle to travel to, and therefore reduces exclusion and isolation of vulnerable people.

Our fleet comprises of six minibuses and a Caddy, and they are all wheelchair accessible.

We also have a community (social) car scheme, whereby volunteer drivers use their own cars to take members to hospital and medical appointments.

Who is the service for? 

Residents of the Rochford District and Castle Point areas who are in need of transport due to their age, sickness, mental or physical disability, or because adequate and safe public transport services are not available.