St. Thomas' Day Centre

What does it do?

At St. Thomas' Day Centre, Community Services provides day care for older people. We offer: personal care e.g. bathing service (ring for details and appointment); talks/advice on topics such as welfare rights, housing issues and aids and adaptations to make your life easier - e.g. Handrails; a wide range of activities such as arts, crafts, quizzes, game shows, outings, tea dances, flower arranging, music and melody, keepfit; and a health input e.g. chiropody, opticians, dentists. Prices depend on personel circumstances. Referrals to the centre are through the Assessment and Care Management Team for Older People.

Who it is for?

Older people in the community

Where it is available?

Local service (Coventry).

What it costs:

Prices depend on personel circumstances. Please contact the organisation for more information.

How to access or apply for it:

Referrals to the centre are through the Assessment and Care Management Team for Older People.
Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 4.45 pm


Info last updated:

Longford Road, Coventry, West Midlands, CV6 6DR