Library Service

What does it do?

Books and reading
We have over 1 million books just waiting to be borrowed, including novels, graphic novels, audio books, paperbacks, large print and information books and all the bestsellers. Some books are also available on CD or Digiplayer.

Electronic Library
EBooks, eAudio and eNewpapers and Information are available via the library website.

DVDs are available in all 36 libraries in West Sussex. Blurays available from some libraries or by request.Stock is rotated around the libraries so that customers see different titles on a regular basis.

Finding your way
Find your way around the library with a guide on all items in our libraries including fiction, non-fiction, dvds, biographies and autobiographies.

Items for sale
Most libraries will have a selection of withdrawn items for sale. These can include books and audiovisual items.

Language resources
If you are going on holiday and want to learn a few useful phrases, or you want to learn a language in more detail for pleasure or exams, your local library has a huge variety of language books and  CDs.

What's on the radio?
Find links to book related programmes on the radio. You can look on our online catalogue to see if we have any of the featured books and reserve them online.

Internet Access and computer facilities
Members of West Sussex Libraries are entitled to 2 hours access a day at any of the libraries. Some of the libraries have volunteers who can help with computer enquiries.

Who it is for?


Where it is available?

Local service (Horsham, Worthing, Adur, Arun, Chichester, Crawley, Mid Sussex).

How to access or apply for it:

 Anyone who lives, works or studies in West Sussex is welcome to join the library. Best of all there's no charge and there are no age limits for joining. So what are you waiting for?

Additional information:

Mobile libraries
West Sussex has 2 mobile library vans, travelling from Bognor Regis and Horsham libraries. Find details of days, routes and stop locations for a each day in a 2 week cycle for each van.


Info last updated:

Willow Park, 4B Terminus Road, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8EQ