East Cambridgeshire Older Persons Service

A free, safe and dependable outreach support service for people

What does it do?

We’ll help you to live independently for as long as possible by providing confidential, emotional, financial and practical support. Our fully trained, qualified and friendly staff will visit you in your home and provide you with support on issues including:

Staying safe
We’ll support you with getting equipment, adaptations and services to help you stay safe around the home and prevent the risk of falls, increase security and fire safety.

Social activities and wellbeing
We can help you to find social groups, start new hobbies or learn new skills. There are many ways to avoid loneliness and social isolation which will keep your mind and body active. We can give you information and travel assistance to help get you out and about.

Money matters
We’ll provide tips and advice on managing your money including budgeting, pensions and tax as well as helping you get access to any benefits you’re entitled to, managing debt and helping you to complete application forms.

Managing your health
We can help you find solutions to personal care and get support around the home e.g. cooking, laundry, shopping and gardening. As well as helping you get in touch with health professionals we can give tips and advice on nutrition, exercise and healthy living.

Being active in the community
If you’d like to volunteer or contribute to local issues in the community as well as get your voice heard we can signpost you to the right places.

Who it is for?

People aged 65 and over living in East Cambridgeshire.

Where it is available?

Local service (East Cambridgeshire).

What it costs:

The service is free.

How to access or apply for it:

Contact us for more information or to start receiving our support.


Info last updated:

3rd Floor Millbrook House, Lode Close, Soham, Cambridgeshire, CB7 5WN